Our Services

Contineo Technology & Upgrades

As Financial Crime evolves, so do the systems and technology used to protect organisations against it. The technology and architecture used for watchlist screening and transaction monitoring can be complex to understand and navigate. Keeping your technology updated to the latest market standards and industry needs is key to staying in control of the latest Financial Crime challenges.

What We Offer

What We Offer

Transaction Monitoring

Contineo can support with all your transaction screening system technology needs. Our experts are experienced in doing system version updates, alert workflow configuration and architecture reviews as well as user training on case management and self service modules for configuration. Our wide experience allows us to also assist with any data validation and data quality assessments you may require.

Watch-List Screening

Our team of experts can ensure your watchlist screening systems, technology and infrastructure are up to date and ready for any challenges you may face. Our team have supported on many watchlist screening projects. These include updates of internal data dictionaries, version upgrades, reviewing business rules, watchlist management and support with architecture updates for real time screening.

Filter upgrades performed
Over 5,000 rules written
0 K

Technology & Upgrades Results

Filter upgrades performed
Over 5,000 rules written
0 K

We let the outcomes we deliver speak for themselves. In a recent assignment we helped a Tier1 Banking organisation update their internal data dictionaries and supported with a software version updgrade as well as reviewing and amending their rules.

Whether it is upgrading to the latest screening filter version or dealing with built up technical debt, let our team of seasoned FinCrime technology experts guide you forward.

Technology & Upgrades

Be Ahead Of The Game

Ensure your technology meets vendor and regulator expectations.


Reviewing the architecture can improve the performance of your FinCrime technology functions.

Reduce Risk

By using better technology, the risk to your bank is significantly reduced.

Future Proofing

Ensure your architecture and systems are fit for purpose.

Technology & Upgrades Benefits

Stay Within Vendor Support

 Meet Regulator Expectations

Improved Technology Performance